Is the Pulp & Paper Industry Sustainable?

Is the Pulp & Paper Industry Sustainable?

It makes sense that Gen Z and Millennials are the most concerned about climate change and sustainability—their futures (and their children’s futures) depend on the health of the planet. And although the paper industry may have had a bad rap in the past, the picture is...
TREE Trip Journal 2023

TREE Trip Journal 2023

Ten days, seven pulp & paper sites, and Paris too! By Carrie Enos, President, University of Maine Pulp and Paper Foundation In May, 14 students participated in UMaine’s TREE (Tappi Research Expedition Europe) trip through Amsterdam, Germany, Belgium, and France to...
7 Reasons Why Studying Engineering at UMaine Rocks

7 Reasons Why Studying Engineering at UMaine Rocks

An engineering career can take you anywhere in the world you want to go. And, honestly, we encourage traveling and working abroad while developing your skills. But while you’re considering college, may we suggest University of Maine as the place to be? We’re...
Different Trees Make Different Products

Different Trees Make Different Products

We know the United States uses a lot of toilet paper (second only to China) and that other paper products like paper towels, napkins and tissues are everyday essentials. But what about other popular products that “low-key” contain paper or paper by-products? Let’s...