
A Brief History of the Industry

A Brief History of the Industry

The pulp and paper industry was cool before many of us were ever born. Yes, it’s that old. Not only was it cool by providing Mainers and immigrants a means to provide for themselves and their families, but it was also high-tech, forward-thinking and environmentally...

Day in the Life: Jordon Gregory

Day in the Life: Jordon Gregory

Did you catch our first Day in the Life series on our Facebook and Instagram stories? Jordon Gregory, class of 2022, took over our social media stories for one day to show everyone what a typical day as a chemical engineering student looks like for her. Jordon...

Consider Engineering Still Going Strong

Consider Engineering Still Going Strong

For 49 years, the Consider Engineering program has been offered by the UMaine Pulp and Paper Foundation. Despite the unusual circumstances of this year, we were determined to make it available to as many students as possible. Unable to bring students to campus in...

7 Tips to Snag That Dream Job

7 Tips to Snag That Dream Job

So, you’re ready to interview. Congratulations! Whether you’ve been to an interview before or if you’re preparing for your first, it’s an exciting moment in your career. An interview is an opportunity to showcase your skills and what assets you can bring to a company....

UMaine Pulp + Paper Foundation


5737 Jenness Hall, Orono, Maine 04469

217 Jenness Hall, Orono, Maine 04469